
We charge Rs. 30 per student for one subject exam. Supose in a class there 50 stdents, we charge Rs. 1500 for One exam. Examination can be Objective (MCQs based) or Subjective (In written form). Both modes are available through our Online Examination System.

Examination Portal Feature:

1.  Admin can set the question paper for exam with timer. He can set the date of the exam.
2.  Question can be uploaded in bulk at one time. This will save time. More than 1000 question can be upload at one time.
3.  Admin can set negative marking for questions if required.
4.  Individual student portal is created
5.  Student can take test from their student portal and can also give feedback of the exam
6.  Student portal can be created by admin or by student. Both can create it
7.  There is static tab feature. If any student try to cheat by opening another tab or browser then on first time a warning message will come. If second time student repeats the same then his exam will be submitted automatically.
8.  After taking Exam Student can analyse their marks and an admin can see it too from its panel.

Besides this there are many features. We provides the best service at cheapest rates. You can ask for Demo. We will be happy to serve you.

With regards,

Nitesh Srivastava
Mob. No. +91-9399473680

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